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Events & Retreats

TBY Yoga Retreat in Spain!

September 22-29, 2024

Join Julia Jonson and Andrew Gurvey for 8 days on the Mediterranean coast in Costa Brava, between Barcelona and France.


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2025 Weekday Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)

January 2025 - May 2025
Mostly Tuesdays & Thursday

More info coming soon! To express interest, complete the Interest Form below.

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Yoga Teacher Training: Free Information Meetings with Julia Jonson & Sally Gill


Sunday May 19, 2024 • 2-4pm 
Saturday June 1, 2024 • 2-4pm


Would you like to deepen your Yoga knowledge and gain wisdom, while becoming a light for others? Join us for two opportunities to learn more about our Teacher Training Program.

Created and led by Julia Jonson of TBY Yoga and hosted at The Yoga Effect; Sally Gill will be partnering to assist Julia, along with guest teachers such as Gabriel Halpern, Andrew Gurvey, Bhante Sujatha and Anitha Bellary. This Program will run from October 2024 to May 2025.

Yoga provides us with an opportunity to get to know ourselves from the inside out. So, when someone says YES to embarking on training, they open up a whole new path of learning and growth for themselves. Yoga Teacher Training is an opportunity to work through self-limiting beliefs and build confidence. It’s an opportunity to awaken the higher Self and shine like never before. And importantly, it’s an opportunity to guide others in their own journey of self-discovery and help make a real difference in the world

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The Reflexive Nervous System as it Relates to Yoga with Rich Logan 

Sunday May 26, 2024


What happens when our reflexive habits become too strong? Are my hamstrings tight, or are the impulses from my nervous system overcompensating? Yoga helps us find the balance between too much of a good thing (hyperactivity) and a deadened nervous system. And the parallels between the physical manifestation and spiritual reality can be astounding. Not to say that a tight hip will bar your way to heaven, but it’s easier to move toward your spiritual goals when the body is more willing to let go.

This class will be designed as a lecture and experience of different ways the reflexive nervous system works and ways we can understand, if not override, how it can hold us back unnecessarily.

Long before you feel the heat of flame burning your hand, your body takes note of sensations at a base level. The body reacts before the brain has time to think, "Ouch." We are hard-wired to protect ourselves at a primal level. Ancient neural connections keep us safe through reflexive actions. Maintaining balance as you walk down the street requires an acute set of reflexes that monitor the feedback from muscles and tendons long before the signals reach our brains. The time it would take an electrical impulse from the big toe to reach the brain and back again would leave us at a crippling pace to meet the pavement without stumbling forward and backward. That’s why we learn over time, through a series of checks and balances in the neuromuscular system, how to ambulate (so the brain can think of more important things like where can I get a good mocha latte). 

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Weekend Yoga Intensive with Rich Logan (4-Part Series)

Saturday June 29, 2024 • 11am-2pm • Session 1
Saturday June 29, 2024 • 3pm-6pm • Session 2
Sunday June 30, 2024 • 11am-2pm • Session 3
Sunday June 30, 2024 • 3pm-6pm • Session 4


Session 1: Inversions - Get Your Perspective Turned Upside Down

Join us for a 3-hour intensive designed to get you upside down safely. Inversions provide many benefits but can be harmful if our alignment is compromised. Join Rich Logan for an afternoon of exploring your body, breath, and mind from a different point of view.  We will have a brief lecture and then learn to safely explore “The Inward Postures” using props and techniques that will give you more time to explore the effects these poses create for us. We will warm up with alignment-based asana, and sun salutes to understand our unique tensions and habits in the Body and Mind and to balance those reactions, as they tend to worsen when upside down. Then, we will bring that new awareness into a world that seems completely upside down.

Session 2:  Backbends - Backbending Towards Bliss

Backbends help us open the front body as the perfect counter poses to a life that can sometimes silence our hearts to the back row. Most of us guard our hearts as we amble through the day-to-day. Our ribcages collapse as we commute in our cars or sit in front of our computer screens. Suffice it to say our heads drop forward, our low backs round, the breathing mechanism shut down, and our glandular systems work ineffectively, the postural equivalent of depression. Our spine fixates in a compromised manner, restricting movement in all directions at all joints. Back bending gives us the chance to meet life full on. It allows for expansive breath in the ribcage. When done appropriately, energy levels increase, blood flow increases in the endocrine system, the spinal cord gets a massage, and the internal organs stretch, allowing for better blood and lymphatic flow when the back bend is released. In this workshop, we will discuss some anatomical implications and explore safe back bending, learning to bring the bend out of the lower back and into the thoracic spine. We will do both supported work with props, safe partner work, and invigorating solo flights in various poses. Feel blissful with a unique blend of mindful vinyasa and static poses.

Session 3: Twists - Let's Get Twisted

Twists help us to be emotionally flexible and allow us to cleanse. Twists provide a massage-like action to the internal organs that, in turn, flush out stagnation and invite new essential flow to refresh us.  The emotional implications follow as we make our gut more resilient and mobile in the face of stress.  Spinal twists are essential for maintaining the vertebrae, corresponding disc, and spinal column. Most people don’t realize that the upper body does most of the twisting, as it should. The lower back compensates for this lack of mobility as we lose flexibility in the ribcage and thoracic spine. This can lead to myriad low back and sacroiliac dysfunctions. This workshop will explore safe twisting and target the areas where we need to create greater stability to allow our twists to move up the spine.  This 3-hour workshop will include some practical lectures before we hit the mat.  So get twisted with a unique blend of mindful vinyasa and static poses.

Session 4: Restorative

This class will aim to deeply reset the nervous system by holding poses for at least 2 to 5 minutes.  A liberal use of props will support all poses.  We will employ active techniques to engage the physical body and passive work to allow for deep relaxation of chronic holding patterns.  All of this will be performed under the auspices of a deep spiritual practice.  All levels and experience are welcome.  We will briefly discuss how and why our bodies respond to this work.  So, we can intelligently activate our bodies to create a more profound release, not only muscularly but inviting the nervous system to release its hold on us when it has become overprotective.  And the spiritual implications are, well... infinite.

$55 a la carte / $200 entire weekend

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Kriya Yoga Summer Trifecta with Gabriel Halpern (3-Part Series)

Thursday July 11, 2024 • 11am-1:30pm • Session 1
Thursday July 18, 2024 • 11am-1:30pm • Session 2
Thursday July 25, 2024 • 11am-1:30pm • Session 3


This 3-week series covers the classical definition of Kriya Yoga   (tapas, swadhyaya, and isvara pranidhana) where we will unpack the paths of action, study, and devotion as defined by The Yoga Sutras. Gabriel will articulate yoga philosophy through 3 of the sacred scriptures that have guided practitioners for centuries: the Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.  Each class will begin will a dharma discourse to clarify the yogic path followed by a well-thought-out sequence to both energize and tranquilize your nervous system. Talk alone is not enough... see you on the mat!

$55 a la carte / $155 series

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TBY Yoga
1590 S Milwaukee Ave, Suite 223
Libertyville, IL 60048
[email protected]
(773) 706-2833